Since the strongest habits are formed through daily action, the MTR should also be completed daily. Make sure to have watched the MTR Training Video. You can also access information and printable worksheets at the bottom of this page.

Measure - Track - Report

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  • If you want to excel in any area of your life and achieve your full potential, it is important that you first MEASURE your activities and outcomes. The numbers do not lie!

    The TRACKING of these numbers will clearly show you where you are spending your time and will also demonstrate various ratios between activities and outcomes. For example, you will begin to see how many “invites” it takes for you to create a “prospect”, and how many prospects it takes to produce a new associate. This will give you clarity on which of your skillsets require more development. You will also be able to see if you are in prospecting and sponsoring mode or in training and management mode!

    Finally, there is great power in REPORTING these numbers to a coach, mentor or fellow associate, however this level of accountability must be 100% voluntary.

    Please make sure to watch the MTR Video for complete details.


  • You will want to print off 5 (or 6) Daily Worksheets and 1 Weekly Worksheet for every week in the MTR Accountability Program. Please also print off and read the MTR Guide so you have a better understanding of what you are tracking and why!

    In the Personal Development Section please list your reading or listening in blocks of 20 minutes. On the back of your daily worksheet, or in a special book, write 3 things you are grateful for. You also earn 1 point per call or zoom that you tune into. This can be live or recorded.

    In the Additional Section you can write down up to 2 other activities not associates with your business that you would like to hold yourself accountable to. These could be Exercise, Learning a Language, Practising Music, Art or any aspect of life that you would like to see improvement in. There are no points assigned for these Additional Activities.